Call: 0121 445 1704
8:00am – 6:30pm, Monday to Friday

Non-NHS services

The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions and some vaccination services. Our fees for these services, which are in line with BMA approved national guidelines, are available below.

Forms & letters

The following are regarded as non NHS services and therefore a charge is applicable.

Private Fees


Payment is required up front direct into Lloyds Bank – Account Number 39326868 Sort Code 306394. Please encourage patients to use this method rather than paying by cash or cheque. There is an AccuRx template set up to allow you to send this information to the patient


We do not charge for private prescriptions, but patient will be charged at the pharmacy.


Please note that for international visitors staying locally we do need to see as a temporary patient for immediate/necessary treatment for which we cannot charge. Charging for treatment only comes when they enter secondary care if needed.  They are charged for their prescriptions which should be issued as a private one.


Private Medical Insurance Form£57.50
Holiday Cancellation Form£57.50
Private Sick Note£46
Certificate of Vaccination£46
Private Prescriptions (Travel outside the UK)£17.25
Private Letters£57.50
Medical Examinations (e.g.HGV, Shotgun) rate per hour£320


Travel vaccinations

Some travel and occupational vaccinations are not provided by the NHS and therefore a charge is applicable

Rabies (course of three)£240
Rabies (single)£81
Hepatitis B (course of three)£190
Hepatitis B (single)£64
Japanese B encephalitisPrice on application
Tick borne encephalitisPrice on application
Yellow FeverNo longer available


Vaccination forms need to be completed and returned to the Practice at least 6 weeks prior to the vaccination and all vaccines need to be paid for prior to an appointment.

Lloyds Bank

Sort Code 30-63-94

Account Number 39326868

For the reference, please put your date of birth.




Date published: 8 October 2014
Date last updated: 27 March 2024